Men Five Ways To Keep Your Wife Happy

Marriage does not come with a manual and you cannot always get things right, but with practice and effort, you can keep the love of your life happy.
the different categories of husbands we have in Nigeria
Below are 5 simple points on how to keep your wife happy and we hope they’re helpful.
1. Encourage your wife
Do you know what your wife dreams are? Do you care? Of course you should. Your wife needs you to support her in life. When you find out she cares about, encourage her to do it.
2. Put your wife before your friends
It’s okay to put your buddies first before you get married. You can go out on weekends, grab a beer after work and dedicate Sunday afternoons to watching football. That changes after marriage. If you haven’t started putting your wife before your friends, you’d better start now. It will help you keep your wife.
3. Communicatea
This seems very easy and obvious, but you may not be doing a great job. Make sure that you share your feelings with your wife instead of having her to guess. Also, be a good listener so that you can continue to grow closer to your wife. Keep the lines of your communication open and showing your wife how you love and trust her can go a long way in regaining the spark that you felt when your marriage was young.
4. Take responsibility
There are things that are simply part of life. Help out with the children, household chores, taking out the trash, cleaning up the shower, cooking and washing up after meals.
5. Compliment your wife
Making an effort to compliment your wife helps you remember what you love about her, and help your wife realize how much you love her. How many times have you thought about how lovely her hair looks or how she is so patient about the kids, but you forgot to say it loud? Increase the number of compliments you give by practicing saying positive things instead of just thinking about them.
It’s important for couples to spend uninterrupted time together. The number of time you offer your marriage can appear like a vote as to how much you value your spouse. Romance, like anything worthwhile, is worth the investment of time and attention.